Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Hopes for the New Year

Surprise! I’m actually posting something!

These are my hopes and goals for 2011.

1. Spend more time studying God’s word and keep a prayer journal – this was 2010’s top resolution as well… and I failed miserably. But I did learn how God is constantly present and faithful in my life even when I struggle with making daily time for Him. I’m not always willing to answer when He calls me, but He is ALWAYS there when I call Him.

2. Spend more quality time with my family - Yes I’m a stay at home mom, but I need to learn how to make the most of the time I have with my children while they are little and at home with me. This includes setting limits on tv time. I want to make sure my family knows how important they are to me and how much I love them.

3. Bake more – I was given a popover pan for my birthday waaaay back in September and I haven’t even used it yet.

Here are some muffins I made yesterday!

4. Exercise more – I want to have more energy, and I think exercise and good nutrition are the best ways to accomplish that. This year I will work up to 5k races and maybe by next year I will be able to do a ½ marathon.

5. Blog more – This will be easy since I haven’t been blogging at all for the past few months. See... by posting this I’ve already blogged more than I did in November and December combined!

6. Start an Etsy shop and be more creative – I don’t expect to make much money from that, but I think it will be fun!

Now that I've officially announced my goals to the world... maybe I will actually stick to them.

1 comment:

  1. I want to run, too! I'll have to start a little later in the year, though. :)
